
Showing posts from May, 2021

Stop Body Shaming

People need to respect people's bodies,if someone chooses to be slim or fat that's the person's business. It is very disrespectful when you jokingly or seriously tell someone they are too fat or too slim. If you have chosen to be slim thats on you but stop putting your nose where it doesn't belong. Someone is eating something and from no where you start saying you that's fat already you are eating all these,first of all the person can eat whatever they like,secondly it's none of your business and thirdly its not your money the person used in buying what they are eating. Telling slim people they are thin like broom or bongerfish is very insulting,if you like yourself the way you look respect how other people look. Yes it is unhealthy to be too fat or too slim but it's not in your place to tell them moreso in a rude and condescending manner. If someone doesn't ask for your opinion,keep your thoughts to yourself. Learn to respect people's bodies and lea

Your Enemy is Your Enemy !

One thing i would never understand is why some people want you to inherit there enemies. If you have issues with a certain person or people,dont expect other people you know to have issues with them and if you have decided to have enemies,good for you but stop expecting others to have them as enemies. Why must your enemy be my enemy ? I dont know what transpired between both of you so why are you trying to drag me into it. The only reason anybody should inherit anybody's enemy is if the person did something horrific,anything asides horrific should be ignored. Learn to stop choosing who people decided to vibe with. Stop putting people in situations where they have to be enemies with ur enemy just to make you feel good.  If i dont have issues with someone,why on earth do you expect me to start giving the person an attitude ? Like it makes absolutely no sense ! Sort your issues out and if you cant,its fine but don't expect your friend to keep that person as an enemy. Your enemy is

Women Are Not Safe !

When women say they are not safe around men,men crack jokes and make it feel like we are looking for attention. Women are grabbed,attacked,molested,raped and killed and this is so disheartening. If a woman goes to a place where there are lots of men,she automatically feels unsafe because of what a lot of men have done and are still doing. A woman cannot be free amongst men,not because she can't be free but because deep down she is scared of what can happen. A lot of times men say loosen up but how do you expect her to when she knows that anything can happen at any time. How do you tell a woman not to be scared when she has seen a lot of harm come to her fellow woman. Look at what happened to the young girl Ini who went for an interview,was raped and brutally murdered and buried. She took a lot of precautionary measures but she was still killed. When people say be careful,how careful can we because Ini was extremely careful and that monster still took advantage of her and killed her